Write for Us Health and Fitness
Note: We are not allowing free guest posts right now. You have to make a minimum of 5$-10$ donation to our site maintenance.
Contact: thesmartweightloss [at] gmail.com
If you don’t mention your donation amount in your guest post request, we don’t respond to you.
TheSmartWeightLoss.com is one of the greatest sources of sharing health and diet tips for people to live a healthy and happy life.
It is also an online platform for those who have ideas and want to spread their words about health and tips globally.
TheSmartWeightLoss is now open for Write for Us Health and Fitness and would love to see the contribution from the people to share their views about:
- Health guest post
- Fitness Guest Post
- Sports and Outdoor Guests Post
- Related Product Review and informative articles
Also, diet plans, and weight loss ideas to the people who are suffering.
Write for Us Health and Fitness:
- Guest Posts for health and fitness must be unique with no duplication and should be well informed about the requested topics.
- Published health guest posts on TheSmartWeightloss.com will not be allowed to publish the same article somewhere else.
- The Guest post must have 800+ words well research and unique content with proper images
- Please don’t waste your time by sending low-quality spun articles or just rewrite articles from other articles. We have an editorial team.
- The guest writer will allow 1-2 links in a post related to the health industry.
Why Do I have to pay a Fee to Publish a Guest Post?
We get about 10 emails a day that read like this:
Like all businesses, there are costs for doing work. Publishing and editing your article takes time. Emailing you back takes time. Time costs money. Your article itself may or may not be valuable. If your backlink is to have any value, you’ll want to write a good article. If you want to publish an article on our website, here are your costs.
Guest Post Sample: Click Here
Note: We are not allowing free guest posts right now. You have to make a minimum of 10$ donation to our site maintenance.
Contact: thesmartweightloss [at] gmail.com
If you don’t mention your donation amount in your guest post request, we don’t respond to you.